Creating fun and inclusive sensory experiences for all children whatever their ability.
I am passionate about children and providing quality tactile experiences to develop their cognitive growth, motor skills and social interactions.
Based on over 15 years of Special Needs and mainstream experience, I have given parents, teaching staff and carers the tools to provide sensory experiences at home or in educational settings. Through a range of resources and ideas, I aim to give you the confidence to help fire yours and your little one's imaginations!
At Sensory Super Stars, my mission for sensory sessions, consists of providing sensory experiences for all children in a safe, nurturing, calm and inclusive environment. We aim to encourage positive interactions through modelling and praise.
Before Covid-19, we offered sensory themed parties, drop in weekend sessions, children's workshops and remote training. During Covid-19, the demand for my resources increased and now that is my focus. I have extended my sensory resources, especially the story sacks and test tubes, for home and school use. These have proved very popular and I am extending the resource base as much as I can.
The Vision

Having worked with sensory play for many years with special needs children, babies and toddlers, I have seen the benefit of these type of resources. I am constantly expanding my range. Children benefit greatly from exploring their surroundings, bonding with their parent or carer using sensory exploration.
Please visit the shop. I can completely personalise items, e.g. change colours, items and personalise the box with your child's name or class name.
Please feel free to e-mail me with any requests before placing an order so I can accommodate all of your options.