Liz Stockbridge
I have been a classroom teacher for over 20 years, of which 14 years
has been in Special Educational Needs. I currently work as an Outreach
teacher, as well as teaching a Complex Needs class, I am also supporting
mainstream students locally to engage in their provision by providing resources, techniques and training for staff, parents and children. I have completed training in Lego©-based Therapy, Makaton (Beginner and Intermediate), Team Teach, Sensory Maths, Sensory English, Autism Awareness and numerous other SEN training. I am currently completing a course on Play Therapy and another on Speech and Language Therapy.
Sensory Super Stars
I have a real passion for sensory play and inclusion. I feel that all activities can be adapted for children up to primary age, whether they have Special Educational Needs or not. I believe that with some differentiation and adjustments sensory sessions can be fun, safe and educational across the ages and can incorporate individual needs and likes.
Since Covid-19, I have been unable to offer sessions and parties but instead placed more emphasis on the sensory resources I had been making. These resources were often made for class learning. I have extended the range of sensory story sacks and am always looking for new ideas. If there is a story you want adapting for your sensory learners and/or neurodivergent child, let me know I'm always happy to develop available resources.
Please click on the Shop tab above to see the current resources available.