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Sensory Story sessions

Every interaction can be a positive intervention


Let us help you make interactions as positive, as engaging and of the utmost educational value as possible.


We can come in to your setting and do class or small group sensory story sessions. With a short period of notice, usually 2 weeks, we can create a sensory story session to your theme. You can specify the story you would like us to run.


We provide our own quality sensory story sacks to any theme. We are always creating new stock, responding to various topics or situations that arise, e.g. feelings due to the issues arising from lockdowns.

We are always open to suggestions so please email: to let us know what you would want next!


We run three levels of sessions:

Level 1: We provide a sensory story session with differentiated activity and relevant sensory resources.

Level 2: A sensory story session with story bag gifted for further use and a selection of activity ideas to suit up to 3 areas of the curriculum you decide, e.g. 1 maths activity, 1 PSHE activity and 1 English (Handwriting) activity. 

Level 3: A sensory story session with two gifted sensory story bags (of your choice) and 3 further activities to extend learning for both stories if they are different.


We are able to provide further sensory ideas at request including support with schemes of work in schools. 


Please contact us to discuss your requirements in person.


Call or e-mail to discuss how we can help you.

Liz 07825 031 046

Rosie 07858 260 817

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